

Ashford O. Williams Hall

The Ashford 0. Williams Hall is a two-story; 55,160 square-foot building consisting of more than 45 offices and 28 abides to house the research and extension faculty, staff and administrators, telecommunication unit equipment with graphic, television and distance learning components, and more than 20 research laboratories. The building also has three meeting rooms with the largest one being able to accommodate 300 people.

Maurice A.Edmond Livestock Arena

The Maurice A. Edmond Livestock Arena has more than 58,943 square feet consisting of a regulation horse show ring, and swine, sheep, and beef cattle stables. The arena has significantly increased Southern University's capability to deliver youth educational programs in Louisiana. The arena also provides opportunities for other non-livestock show youth programs.

Southern University is deeply indebted to the USDA/CSREES 1890 Facilities Program for furnishing the funds to construct the extension wing of the A. 0. Williams Hall the technology center and the Maurice A. Edmond Livestock Arena. The institution is equally grateful to the state of Louisiana for providing the funds to construct the research wing of the A. 0. Williams Hall.

The College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences: The CAFCS has been an integral part of the SU System from its inception. The college focuses on academic programs and fulfils the teaching component of the University's tripartite mission. The Southern University Board of Supervisors voted to merge the Southern University College of Agriculture with the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center during the board’s April 22, 2016 meeting in keeping with its land-grant function. 

Multipurpose Building

The Southern University Ag Center Multi-Purpose Building was opened in 2019. The building has 6,953 total square feet of space.The building has one (1) large multi-purpose meeting room that can be petitioned in two(2) meeting rooms, a lobby, two(2) offices, one(1) conference room with a small kitchen, one (1) men bathroom, one (1) women bathroom, and a large storage/work/print room. The front of the building has a 70-space concrete parking lot. The rear of the building has an eight(8) space parking lot. Both parking areas are handicap accessible.The total occupancy is 279 individuals.

Research Stations

The primary Research Station comprises approximately 385 acres and is located in Baker, Louisiana. Currently, this station is used for several research and outreach activities. A mixed species project involving beef cattle and goats occupies a significant portion of the land mass. The station is also used for the production of agronomic crops and serves also as the site for the livestock arena.

Several auxiliary units involving swine, poultry, dairy cattle, goats, greenhouses, and a meat processing plant are located on the Baton Rouge campus. There are 27 analytical laboratories which are housed in Ashford O. Williams Hall and the head house complex. These laboratories are used to support research in the various research program areas. Although these facilities are adequate to support existing research activities, much growth is anticipated in the future to address expanding clientele needs.

Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Institute (SARDI)

The Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Institute (SARDI) located in Opelousas, La., is the satellite campus of the Southern University Ag Center. The Institute focuses on improving the socioeconomic well-being of citizens in rural communities within a ten-parish region of St. Landry, Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Evangeline, Lafayette, Pointe Coupee, St. Martin, and Vermillion Parishes.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Institute (SARDI) was developed to introduce a sustainable approach to agriculture as a component of cooperative extension at the Southern University Ag Center. We understood then, that there were needs to address the challenges we were experiencing in food insecurity and an ever changing environment. Our current site in Opelousas, La was designed to show producers of Southwest La. how an ecosystem of plants and animals could coexist in one setting.

The concepts of sustainability include plant production systems (high wind tunnels, raised box gardens, hydroponics, and vertical farming), small animal production systems (pastured poultry, rabbit production, aquaculture (fish or crawfish), and honey bees). Currently, two high wind tunnels are in existence. Also, the addition of a solar panel grid is in the plans to capture energy for use in the building. 

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