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Technology and Network Services
The Technology and Network Department is responsible for the management and control of networks within the SU Ag Center. The division assist specialists, researchers, and agents with information technology and communications needs and also establish standards for wireless network use. The division also provides support in the planning, packaging and distribution of traditional and non-traditional educational materials based on the vision and mission of the client.
The Director of Technology is responsible for the review and approval of requested exceptions to the lockdown policy to ensure PC configuration changes associated with requested software will not interfere or jeopardize network security. The division will document and update the specific guidelines for password usage, incorporating IT standards and industry practices and check passwords periodically for adherence to rules, where possible. The Director is also responsible for approving any servers within the SU Ag Center. To receive technology or network services, please submit a HelpDesk ticket to helpdesk@suagcenter.com or visit https://helpdesk.suagcenter.com. For other inquiries, contact the Director of Technology at clourth_wilson@suagcenter.com or Network Administrator at devender_rapolu@suagcenter.com.
SU Ag Center and CAHES employees shall follow defined security practices in use of information technology systems and networks

to protect the Southern University Ag Center, its faculty, staff, administrators and resources. Information Technology Systems and Networks includes, but is not limited to, hardware, software, communications networks, physical facilities, mainframe computer, personal computers and printers, and personal hand held devices. II.
The proper use of a secured, confidential password is the easiest and most effective security tool available. Passwords should not be divulged to other persons and must be changed on a regular basis. The Office of Technology Services (OTS) has integrated its policy with the State of Louisiana – Office of Computing Services state standards for passwords in IT STD-009. The Office of Computing Services (OCS) guidelines for LAN passwords are documented in: http://www.doa.state.la.us/ocs/security/password.htm Southern University Ag Center shall periodically audit password use within the State of Louisiana – Office of Computing Services for compliance to established standards.
All computers connected to the SU Ag Center’s LAN including employee/non-employee desktops and laptops must have current anti-virus software installed and enabled. The virus definition updates and scans shall be scheduled to occur at least once a week.
Wireless networks have been proven to present security problems and require additional layers of protection to prevent unauthorized access. No wireless computer network system may be established or accessed within the SU Ag Center except those specifically authorized by the Technology & Network Services.
Policy No. 005 defines the benefits and statewide guidelines for desktop power management and lockdown. To maximize security, facilitate support, and reduce costs, we will disable administrative privileges on standard desktops. Based on business needs, a section may request an exception be made for desktop power management and lockdown. The power management features shall be enabled on all desktop computers. Employees are expected to power off desktop computers and peripherals at the end of each work week.
No computer will be configured as any kind of server on the networks without written approval from the Director of Technology. Servers that will be accessed from more than one location must be housed within a Southern University Ag Center’s server farm environment.
The employee is responsible for adhering to the published IT security policies and take reasonable steps to protect Southern University and the State of Louisiana computer systems and networks. If a virus is transmitted to a user’s personal computer, the user is responsible for immediately informing the Technology & Network Services Department. Each employee is also responsible for powering off desktop computers and peripherals at the end of each work week.