Two SU Students Receive Merchandise Grant from the LaMotte Company Environmental Education Photo Contest

Baton Rouge, La. - Southern University students Caleb Washington and Nikolas Lawrence, both students in the College of Agricultural, Family, and Consumer Sciences, receive Merchandise Grant from the LaMotte Company Environmental Education Photo Contest.
The LaMotte Company Environmental Education Photo contest is an opportunity to win Free LaMotte equipment for schools, educational programs, or volunteer monitoring groups, and a chance to appear in upcoming LaMotte Environmental Science Education Products catalogs, publications, and website.
"It is an honor for my STEM students to be highlighted by an analytical company for scientific research. A simple lab assignment is now professionally recognized," said Crystal-Vance Rogers, PhD, Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences in the Department of Agricultural Sciences.
In AGCS 305 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, students were placed in assigned groups and instructed to collect composite soil samples at various locations throughout the campus. Students were given a list of locations to choose from to retrieve soil samples. The samples were analyzed using LaMotte's Garden Guide Soil Test Kit to determine if flooding and precise locations influenced the soil's pH and nutrient content (nitrogen and phosphorus). Students presented their results to the class and compared the limitations and implications of their findings to other groups.
The equipment grant will be used to purchase materials for future soil projects within the department.